
Showing posts from January, 2021

Cognitivism in the Science Classroom

  Hello everyone, and welcome back to my blog, today we will be discussing living and non-living things using the cognitivism learning theory in science. Let’s have fun learning.    Do you know what cognitivism deals with? What is cognitivism Cognitivism is information that is received, organized, stored, and retrieved in the mind (BlueSofaMedia.(2015, July 5).  Use a Learning Theory: Cognitivism [video].YouTube.)   Introduction Using the cognitivism theory along with the information processing model we will look at a science lesson on living and non-living things. A video will be given to students to view on the topic of    ‘Living and Non- Living Things”. Please click the link below. After viewing the video, students will be grouped to perform this task,    for this activity, each group will need:1 pair of scissors, a glue stick, and a blank T-Chart.   The teacher will ask, “class what do yo